Wednesday, December 28, 2005

The First Post... Whoopee!

So, given that Dave and I will soon be departing for another side of the world, our loved ones have humbly requested that we keep a weblog. Having very little idea of how to do this, and a bit of time before crossing to the other hemisphere, I decided to do the research on this strange newfangled communication mechanism now. Here goes the first entry, I hope.

So the moral of this post is that nothing exciting has happened yet, unless you count the mad 6-AM dash to the airport tomorrow. Even then, its not overly exciting... the actual Canada to NZ leg of the journey wont be for another month or so. And seriously, what nut schedueles flights to happen that early? Surely the pilots cant be that awake. The whole thing just seems like a bad idea. Early flights, that is. Going to New Zealand still seems like a good idea. :-)

Missing you all already...
