As can be expected of a Helgason / Hume visit to a wine country, vast quantities of wine were bought and consumed. And it was over several bottles that the two fathers, both bemoaning their noticeable departure from their formerly rail-thin selves, made a wager. That being, should each of them fail to lose 25 lbs by the wedding (Sept 1), they would donate $1,000.00 CAD to their most despised political figure.
Ben has since deportlified to the tune of 50 lbs -- a "WOW"-worthy achievement if there ever was one! Short of going on a strict booze-and-butter diet henceforth, it's a fairly safe bet that Mr. Jack Layton will not be getting that $1000 from Mr. Hume. Way to go Ben!
My dear dad, Wayne, has also had great success with his loss of 20 lbs. However, this means that there's still 5 lbs to go, and not much time left to lose them in. I have absolute belief in my father, but I figure he could do with some extra motivation in the home stretch.
So, I decided to help in the best way I know how -- with Photoshop! Here is a motivational message, lovingly created for my dad:
And this is an invite to any readers who don't often comment -- leave a comment to show Wayne some support! We're all cheering for ya, dad!
Note, I've temporarily turned off word verification to decrease difficulty in leaving comments. However, this leaves the section open to spamming... so we'll see if that happens. When it does, word verification will be turned back on.
In the meantime, comment away! :-)
Wayne, it was nice to meet you when you were in NZ. May the force be with you!! I have faith!
thanks for the encouragement I'm certainly intent on depriving Mr Harper of a significant potential donation. Moreover I'm pleased the way many of my clothes that were tight fit much better. It hasn't; however, curtailled me from wanting and acquiring new clothes!!
Go Wayne!
Hey Wayne,
My buddy Stephen is really looking forward to your great donation.
You are really a great guy.
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